All of our projects are underpinned by the principles of Teaching for Mastery. Mastering maths means students of all ages acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. The NCETM’s Essence of Mastery guidance and Five Big Ideas explain the principles in more detail. (CAN WE LINK THESE FROM NCETM WEBSITE?)
Below are some links to research evidence and school case studies which demonstrate the impact that the Maths Hub Programme is having on students and teachers. Additional evidence and case studies will continue to be added here.
Case Studies:
How can a school take advance of Maths Hub opportunities – Sunbury Manor Secondary School.
What is the impact of Teaching for Mastery programmes – Merstham Park Secondary School
Research Studies:
- Where is TFM Statistically Working at NEHS Maths Hub – a research project by Becky Shepherd
- Impact of Teaching for Mastery using TIMMS and Ofqual TIMMS and Ofqual Data.docx
- A guidance report from the Education Endowment Foundation Improving Mathematics in Key Stages 2 & 3 was published in November 2017. It endorses many of the components of teaching for mastery. Links between its recommendations and a teaching for mastery approach are made explicit in this blog ( by Professor Jeremy Hodgen. Professor Hodgen is Chair of Mathematics Education at the UCL Institute of Education, who led the evidence review.
- A report by the Fair Education Alliance looks at schools with good outcomes for disadvantaged children in maths. Investigating 20 schools and Early Years providers, it pinpoints the factors in their success. Many of the schools cite teaching for mastery as a key factor.
- A randomised controlled trial tested the efficacy of the CfEM Teaching for Mastery programme in college settings. Improved outcomes equivalent to one month of additional learning have been reported and this increased to two months for the most deprived students