Teaching for Mastery at Primary & Secondary


Mastery is not an educational fad or gimmick. The term is simply a label which refers to children doing maths deeply, effectively and efficiently, and already for thousands of teachers, ‘mastery’ has been a catalyst for deeper thought about their teaching.

All teachers want their pupils to be assured and successful mathematicians, and mastery enables this. More information about teaching for mastery can be found at www.ncetm.org.uk/mastery; the ‘Managing Mastery’ headteacher interviews may be particularly useful.

Applications are currently open for both Primary and Secondary Teaching for Mastery Work Groups 24/25.

Primary and Secondary PD Materials can be found using the following links

Primary Mastery PD Materials

Secondary Mastery PD Materials

For a short video on using these PD Materials click here

Watch how other teachers have been using the PD Materials:


Secondary using algebra tiles

Secondary using Cuisenaire rods


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