Teaching for Mastery at Primary

“The Teaching for Mastery Programme supported our effective development of maths and improved results across the school. I witnessed firsthand how this approach can support children of all abilities to improve their number skills and mathematical understanding. I am fully committed to supporting this program in my school and want to develop our Maths Leads to the highest standard.”  Headteacher, Primary School in Hampshire

If you are a school in the North-East Hants and Surrey Maths Hub region and have never participated in this programme, applications are currently open!

Apply for Primary Developing Teaching for Mastery Work Groups 24/25

For further info, watch a very quick information video from our Maths Hub Lead, Becky Shepherd and read a case study from a school involved since 2015 – How can a school take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Maths Hub?

Targeted Support in Mathematics:  If you are a Primary school in North-East Hants or Surrey who is currently facing poor progress or attainment in Maths, or working with the Schools Alliance for Excellence or other LA partners, or rated RI or Inadequate by Ofsted, you may be able to join our free Mastery Readiness programme or benefit from our new and FREE Intensive Support programme – where a Specialist will provide tailored support for your school in preparation for joining our funded Teaching for Mastery programme the following years.  Contact us via mathshub@sjb.surrey.sch.uk to arrange a call with one of our Leads.

Teaching for Mastery:  What is happening in primary maths, and what next?   Download the report on the first 4 years of Teaching for Mastery here

Mastery Magnified – case studies and school leader interviews

If you have any questions or would like to discuss teaching for mastery please contact mathshub@sjb.surrey.sch.uk and the Primary Teaching for Mastery team will be delighted to help you.


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